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Dr. Stephen Perkins is known internationally for performing and teaching rhinoplasty to other doctors who are rhinoplasty surgeons.
Revision Rhinoplasty
If you’ve had an initial rhinoplasty surgery that did not turn out as expected, there is hope and good news. A rhinoplasty that did not turn out…
More and more people are staying healthy, exercising, feeling more youthful and often opting to stay in the work force longer.
Eyelid Surgery
The eyes are the focal point of visual contact with other people in our daily lives, so it’s important that they look bright and refreshed…
Forehead / Eyebrow Lift
One of the first signs of facial aging is the drooping and excess folds of the upper eyelids. But this is often aggravated by the drooping of…
Neck Liposuction
One of the somewhat unfortunate effects of hereditary tendency is to develop fatty deposits under the chin and along and under the jawline.
Lip Enhancement
One of the more current areas of rejuvenation in facial plastic surgery today is the cosmetic enhancement of the lip and perioral…
Cheek Augmentation
Traditionally, strong cheek bones and triangular facial angulation have been considered signs of beauty. This triangularization is like…
Chin Implant
Many people are born with a receding or “weak” chin – which causes their face and profile to look out of proportion. Often this causes the nose…
Otoplasty is the surgical procedure that repositions protruding ears to make them look normal and not “stick out”. It completes a small fold of the ear…
Skin Resurfacing
Skin resurfacing means removal of the upper layer or layers of skin that, with age and time, have become more aged looking. This may be commonly…
Neurotoxins are primarily used for their ability to both prevent and reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles (rhytids). Neurotoxins effects onset is…