Our medical skincare spa, Spa 170 West, is offering 20% off SkinTyte packages for thighs through the end of this month. SkinTyte is a non-ablative procedure to help achieve firmer skin. The treatment is safe, comfortable and without downtime. SkinTyte is delivered in a sequence of rapid, gentle pulses. This promotes the contraction of collagen while also initiating the body’s natural healing process. This, in turn, creates a renewed collagen foundation that leads to increased skin firmness.
Special Offer Through the End of March, 2018!
When you purchase a SkinTyte thigh package this month, we’ll give you an Epionce Renewal Enriched Body Lotion at no cost – our gift to you. It’s a great product to hydrate and soothe dry skin. Call Spa 170 West for info: 317.558.1541.