Have Your Rhinoplasty This Summer & A New Look For Fall!

May 5, 2017

Are you unhappy with the size or shape of your nose or had a rhinoplasty that did not turn out the way you expected? If you’re considering rhinoplasty surgery, summer is a great time to have your procedure! It’s one of the most popular times of year for patients to have their surgery.

And, it’s an especially popular time for professors, teachers and students because there is little downtime, and they will have a beautiful new look by the time they return to school in the Fall.

Listen To a Dr. Perkins Rhinoplasty Patient Testimonial.

Not all rhinoplasty surgeons are the same. Dr. Stephen Perkins is a board certified facial plastic surgeon. He’s the one surgeon in Indianapolis who earns continual invitations by national and international plastic surgeons’ organizations to be the master featured faculty at their meetings. Dr. Perkins is known as the rhinoplasty surgeons’ doctor. He’s earned their trust and respect. So, let him do the same for you and give you the nose you’ve always wanted.

Complimentary Rhinoplasty Consultation With Dr. Stephen Perkins Through July 14, 2017

Call Meridian Plastic Surgeons For More Information: 317.575.0330